December 19th, 2012
Ninja Love
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Some new gameplay videos of the Metal Gear Rising game came out not too long ago. Zoom to about 0:40 or so to see the inspiration for today’s strip.
Also, there was a hiccup with the domain servers yesterday morning that ended up putting Massive Pwnage offline. It was not a fun surprise to wake up to! Fortunately, I was able to take the necessary steps in order to fix it. Unfortunately, it took an hour and a half for my fixes to take effect, during which my psyche reached near critical nervous breakdown levels. But don’t worry! As you can see, everything worked out just fine, and my mind only suffered minor damage. If something like this ever happens again, and if I know about it, I usually try and keep everyone up to date with my Twitter.
Yea i was a little worried one of the countless internet trolls would buy the domain just because. So i was near the point of buying it myself just to give it back to you lol.
Good to know you got my back 😛
of course