December 17th, 2012
It’s a Wonderful Christmas, Locke Abrams
Thus concludes our holiday tale. I hope you all, like Locke, learned a little something about the true meaning of the holidays. If you did, leave a comment and let me know! Because this whole thing went completely over my head.
I guess it’s like, if you’re grumpy, just stop that? Stop doin’ that. Don’t grump. Here’s some presents.
He won’t like Christmas on a plane.
He won’t like Christmas on a train.
He won’t like Christmas anywhere.
A Santa hat he will not wear.
Childhood trauma is telling me to get angry at you using “Sam I am”, but the christmas spirit compels me.
Also, do I know you from somewhere?
thank you for reminding me of my fear of “Green Eggs and Ham”… Such horrible nightmares of the Seuss’s Green Eggs and Ham machine that turned people into Green Eggs and Ham… I can still vividly remember it pounding on the door trying to get in and feeling it trying to suck me through the crack at the bottom of the door….
…that’s it?
What does the actual Locke think about Christmas?
Huge fan of Christmas. 😀 I received Pokemon Blue on Christmas, the first three Harry Potter books another, so on and so forth. I remember my first Game Gift; Street Fighter II: Turbo Edition for the Sega Genesis from my dad. I’m not sure if he was trying to make me learn how to curse or not, but that game did the trick. Also it made me love my Genesis.
I think he enjoy’s it. I’m sure he will find a use one day for that Anvil =D