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Everyone remember that Alice person? She looks different every single time I draw her. I actually like the way she came out this time though. Hopefully Locke and I will be able to make her an actual character, and not just an extra third person that shows up sometimes.
Hand-drawn wordbubbles! Not too shabby, me thinks. A lot of comics have hand-drawn wordbubbles. I’ve always wanted to try it out.
This entry was posted on Monday, December 15th, 2008 at 12:00 am and is filed under Comics.
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You know, Ence, it’s kind of odd that Locke would imagine Ence wearing an Imp costume. He’s never seen the Imp in his life. Well, maybe it’s a chibi version of Xenicerf’s shadow demons. 😛
I hate that freaking demon character. I never found it funny no matter what it does.
Also, when did Locke get a store of his own? I never figured out when this occured. It struck me as weird a few comics back when he suddenly works at a game store, because last I remember he was unemployed for one reason or another. I can see the buddings of “The Plot” emerging here, but I desperately want to get to the point in the plot where there are customers in the store for Locke, Ence, and Alice to interact with, not just them having “Ence be silly” as the punchline to every option. Customers mean conflict, and I loves me some conflict.
he became employed when a heartless from the shadow realm zapped his computer, sending him to an advertisement for a shop that he was going to go try to get a job at. When he and Ence got there, the room was empty or a cryotube or whatever and there was a shadow ence standing there. Locke beat shadow ence in a game of magic and he won the deed to the shop.
TBH I didnt notice the font until I read the blog posts lol.
Alice looks thiner in this comic. The Encifer-demon looks awesome, but maybe u should throw 20-face dices, ya know, like the ones from Magic
Hello, I like hand drawn bubbles. Pretty awesome…. I like where you’re gong with these new comics btw.
BTW i like the hand-drawn bubbles, they look cool
Thanks : P I’m still workin on getting better at em.
You know, Ence, it’s kind of odd that Locke would imagine Ence wearing an Imp costume. He’s never seen the Imp in his life. Well, maybe it’s a chibi version of Xenicerf’s shadow demons. 😛
Maybe it’s his idea of a generic demon. (useful word, generic. I learnt it watching “The Big Band Theory” on warner channel)
You guys think about it too much : P
Maybe it’s because we have nothing to do while the other pages/videos/ebooks/mods/files/games/etc are loading/buffering/downloading
I hate that freaking demon character. I never found it funny no matter what it does.
Also, when did Locke get a store of his own? I never figured out when this occured. It struck me as weird a few comics back when he suddenly works at a game store, because last I remember he was unemployed for one reason or another. I can see the buddings of “The Plot” emerging here, but I desperately want to get to the point in the plot where there are customers in the store for Locke, Ence, and Alice to interact with, not just them having “Ence be silly” as the punchline to every option. Customers mean conflict, and I loves me some conflict.
he became employed when a heartless from the shadow realm zapped his computer, sending him to an advertisement for a shop that he was going to go try to get a job at. When he and Ence got there, the room was empty or a cryotube or whatever and there was a shadow ence standing there. Locke beat shadow ence in a game of magic and he won the deed to the shop.
know the plot before you criticize
ok, seriously ence, ban that Parade-Rainer guy, he’s such a buzzkill…
i like the wordbubbles, the font, and the demon suit on Ence ^^