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Has anyone heard who the main villain is supposed to be? I heard that we get to fight some manifestations of the Pandaren’s negative energy, or someting like that. I’m picturing this expansion to be a bit more laid back and minor, which is fine with me. You just can’t top the Cataclysm!
This entry was posted on Wednesday, October 26th, 2011 at 12:00 am and is filed under Comics.
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Cataclysm was disappointing, and this new expansion doesn’t seem like its going to be that great either. I’ll still buy it and still play it because that’s the kind of fool I am. But hey, free diablo 3!
I stopped playing WoW after 6 years when Cata launched. I played it a little bit in the underwater zone and didnt enjoy the game as much as i used to. I missed the old zones, i missed the availability of spells that allowed me to alter my playstyle at any time, and i especially missed the nostalgia of visiting a zone that i hadnt been to in years. Cata ruined all of that for me, a lot of people have fun, and thats great for WoW, but its not my type of game anymore. The new expansion looks… “ok”… and I’ve waited since the original WoW for Pandauren to be a race within the game. Its too bad that they are going to be out now that ive stopped playing.
Well, if you liked playing in Vanilla with the focus on the Horde and Alliance war then you should like MoP. There is no main big bad like Illidan, Deathwing, or Arthas; it’s flat out the fight between Horde and Alliance, and the Pandaren just happen to get dragged into it.
Also, during Wrath Blizz had marked on their map that Theramore was going to get owned, obviously if you have been there since the opening of Cata you’ll find that it’s intact. (much to my dismay…Jaina’s a #%&$%, she can hide it all she likes…) but apparently they’re going through with it and the Horde is going to be the one that raises Theramore to the ground…either dead Jaina/me rejoicing/Wrynn on a rampage or Jaina on a rampage and Wrynn is skipping along with her to Orgrimmar.
Oh, and by the way, please tell me one of you guys know that the Pandaren is NOT a reference to Kung-fu Panda? I actually looked it up beside the obvious fact that Warcraft 3 came first, but apparently it’s the opposite. Kung-fu Panda is referencing the Pandaren. lol I’m tired of hearing /2 and everyone in every other form of chat in the game saying otherwise. : /
Oh! lol my rants get the best of me, Terrific comic, it’s really well drawn and very funny; you guys never do any less of a fantasic job and keep up the good work. 😀
I think they reference each other. Yes, Pandarens come first, but Chinese mythos inspired the movie, not warcraft three. Samwise loved drawing pandarens and they sort of became an internal meme I think. Because it was a comedy focused on martial arts styles, the thought of having a clumsy/cute animal that learns martial arts, ie the chinese national animal, the panda is just the right kinda choice for movie of that sort. Also, the Pandarens’ passives are a reference to Kung-fu Panda, as Ence pointed out to me, they get bonuses to cooking and eating. It’s not unlikely, Blizzard is well in touch with the pulse of pop culture. In Northrend, the zombies yelled out Om nom, a reference to the cookie monster. In Outlands, there are the Skettis, a race that references the Skeksis from The Dark Crystal. Thanks for your post, Miranias! You keep reading them, we’ll keep making them. You can thank Ence for this comic :D, it was all him. I’ve been so busy as of late 🙁
Some people are complaining, “Oh no, cute pandas? I’m quitting WoW!”
Blizzard had said the main focus of the new expansion will be war between the horde and alliance, with the addition of an oriental style setting. Unlike the previous expansions, with desolate areas overrun with demons and such, I’m picturing a huge land grab between waring factions over lush forests and native peoples. “These pandas will join us or die (literally)!” I’m pretty excited at the possibilities. ^_^
Cataclysm was disappointing, and this new expansion doesn’t seem like its going to be that great either. I’ll still buy it and still play it because that’s the kind of fool I am. But hey, free diablo 3!
I stopped playing WoW after 6 years when Cata launched. I played it a little bit in the underwater zone and didnt enjoy the game as much as i used to. I missed the old zones, i missed the availability of spells that allowed me to alter my playstyle at any time, and i especially missed the nostalgia of visiting a zone that i hadnt been to in years. Cata ruined all of that for me, a lot of people have fun, and thats great for WoW, but its not my type of game anymore. The new expansion looks… “ok”… and I’ve waited since the original WoW for Pandauren to be a race within the game. Its too bad that they are going to be out now that ive stopped playing.
Well, if you liked playing in Vanilla with the focus on the Horde and Alliance war then you should like MoP. There is no main big bad like Illidan, Deathwing, or Arthas; it’s flat out the fight between Horde and Alliance, and the Pandaren just happen to get dragged into it.
Also, during Wrath Blizz had marked on their map that Theramore was going to get owned, obviously if you have been there since the opening of Cata you’ll find that it’s intact. (much to my dismay…Jaina’s a #%&$%, she can hide it all she likes…) but apparently they’re going through with it and the Horde is going to be the one that raises Theramore to the ground…either dead Jaina/me rejoicing/Wrynn on a rampage or Jaina on a rampage and Wrynn is skipping along with her to Orgrimmar.
Oh, and by the way, please tell me one of you guys know that the Pandaren is NOT a reference to Kung-fu Panda? I actually looked it up beside the obvious fact that Warcraft 3 came first, but apparently it’s the opposite. Kung-fu Panda is referencing the Pandaren. lol I’m tired of hearing /2 and everyone in every other form of chat in the game saying otherwise. : /
Oh! lol my rants get the best of me, Terrific comic, it’s really well drawn and very funny; you guys never do any less of a fantasic job and keep up the good work. 😀
I think they reference each other. Yes, Pandarens come first, but Chinese mythos inspired the movie, not warcraft three. Samwise loved drawing pandarens and they sort of became an internal meme I think. Because it was a comedy focused on martial arts styles, the thought of having a clumsy/cute animal that learns martial arts, ie the chinese national animal, the panda is just the right kinda choice for movie of that sort. Also, the Pandarens’ passives are a reference to Kung-fu Panda, as Ence pointed out to me, they get bonuses to cooking and eating. It’s not unlikely, Blizzard is well in touch with the pulse of pop culture. In Northrend, the zombies yelled out Om nom, a reference to the cookie monster. In Outlands, there are the Skettis, a race that references the Skeksis from The Dark Crystal. Thanks for your post, Miranias! You keep reading them, we’ll keep making them. You can thank Ence for this comic :D, it was all him. I’ve been so busy as of late 🙁
Correction, the race is called the Arakkoa, living in a place called “Skettis”.
Built in Pokemans!!!!!!!
Some people are complaining, “Oh no, cute pandas? I’m quitting WoW!”
Blizzard had said the main focus of the new expansion will be war between the horde and alliance, with the addition of an oriental style setting. Unlike the previous expansions, with desolate areas overrun with demons and such, I’m picturing a huge land grab between waring factions over lush forests and native peoples. “These pandas will join us or die (literally)!” I’m pretty excited at the possibilities. ^_^