October 22nd, 2012
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Hope you enjoyed it, but this is the last comic. For I’ve found my new passion: animating robots launching over-sized rockets out of their chest. So awesome.
I was hoping that the drawing mechanics in Flash wouldn’t be all that different from Photoshop’s, but there is a fairly drastic difference. Aside from the graphics in Flash being in vector, every tool functions differently than it does in Photoshop. It’s very jarring. However, after spending the weekend with the trial version of Flash, I was able to create the afore-mentioned robot animation, an Imp power-up animation, and an actual video. Pretty good for a first-time Flash user, I’d say!
When I looked at that last panel carefully, I was like “NO WAY.”
Hey guy’s look at this tribute I made!
I was all for this planeswalker card until I read the ult. No doubt the real Tika is printing it out right now. She plays Magic frequently and it no doubt has a place somewhere in her dark kingdoms.
I mostly did that for fun(and she’s a troll, so it makes sense she’de do that), guess I need to create a counter card now before it’s to late…
if you ever need to draw ence in flash then just draw him diffferently in suite of how the program works, not that he already has had a million changes.
Ah yeees she uses her diploma every day, for EVIL. Muahahahahaha! >:D
Uni(b)ersity. Fooled me at first sight! Nice one!
I’m pretty sure that’s a “v”.
Yah you are right. On another look the “b” is not very straight.
you are both wrong, it is the rarely used basterisk, a letter in the 27 letters of the alphabet. it was once used in formal titles and certificates, it was however removed, due to the confusion it caused and the ease of which i could be used in forgery. they could not find a replacement letter and the 27 letters were dropped to 26, the basterisk was soon forgotten after if fell from lingual grace. only a small majority of english professors know of its existance and even fewer know what it looks like.