Flavored Sheep Cotton
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Good old Kraknalg. We actually first met him at a carnival. Must be all the tasty treats that keep bringing him back.
Been workin’ hard lately! The day job takes up almost all of the time always, as usual, but I’ve actually had more free time than is normal lately. You might have noticed that I managed to get LOOK updated a few times recently. This week though, all of my extra time has been dedicated to Massive Pwnage Volume 4. Yes, there’s gonna be another one! Wednesday’s page was actually the cover, which I neglected to mention for some reason. It’s gonna be good, though! I’m super excited for this volume, it’s going to be a REALLY special book. You’ll see why when I officially announce it here in a few weeks. Stay tuned and see you on Monday!
Kraknalg is a SPY?!