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Notice: register_sidebar_widget is deprecated since version 2.8.0! Use wp_register_sidebar_widget() instead. in /home/massiveh/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3896 Massive Pwnage » Archive » Big Winner
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I’d probably quit my job and pour all of my time into Massive Pwnage. That, and buy a ton of video games that I’ve been meaning to play. And maybe a robot monkey butler. With a hat.
This entry was posted on Monday, April 19th, 2010 at 12:00 am and is filed under Comics.
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#1 :: Pay off ridiculous amount of debt
#2 :: Get studio apartment so I don’t have to deal with annoying roommates. Lack of room also deters friends from wanting to crash on my couch for far too long -.-
#3 :: Quadruple my video game/movie library
#4 :: Finally purchase and restore my dream car [’71 Ford Mustang]
#5 :: Ride a giraffe wearing a top hat and cape, cackling like an evil villain whilst throwing strawberries at the spectators below.
Not really sure if #5 will be removed or pushed to #1…
#1 :: Pay off all debt
#2 :: Buy house large enough for my family and then some
#3 :: Invest
#4 :: If income from investments is higher than I could expect to earn salary, retire
#1 :: tell my mom that I am now financially independant through collage so she can stop trying to run my life.
#2 :: invest throughout collage and then found my own game company.
Paint one wall red, one blue, yellow, purple, green ceiling, orange ground. Just to confuse everyone. And distract them from my real plan: creation of the perfect RPG qualities in one place, not scattered through Final Fantasies and Elder Scrolls.
I don’t think you need to win the lottery to paint your walls hahaha. Maybe you can get some kind of crazy 3D paint so no one can tell how far away the walls are.
1# Never have to work again.
2# Spend money on getting Riot Points so I can buy my fav champs and my fav skins
3# Buy better computer and internet
4# Put away the leftover monies for later
I put a lot of thought into that question, actually. First, I’d pay off student loans. Then, I’d rent a nice apartment with a working toilet handle (don’t ask, mine broke off…). And then, I’d buy a giant hotel, refurbish it, and set up a safe-home for children who have been abused in the foster care system. There’s one house like that around my parts, but they can only have like… five children at a time. Hence, a big hotel.
Yes. That is what I’d do.
Oh, and also, I’d get a milkshake machine. Don’t judge me. >_>
#1 :: Pay off ridiculous amount of debt
#2 :: Get studio apartment so I don’t have to deal with annoying roommates. Lack of room also deters friends from wanting to crash on my couch for far too long -.-
#3 :: Quadruple my video game/movie library
#4 :: Finally purchase and restore my dream car [’71 Ford Mustang]
#5 :: Ride a giraffe wearing a top hat and cape, cackling like an evil villain whilst throwing strawberries at the spectators below.
Not really sure if #5 will be removed or pushed to #1…
I wonder if it’s legal to have a giraffe as a pet, haha
it is legal with the right permits, but it’s illegal to tie it to a lamp post in some states (kentucky?)
seriously, it’s on the books still
#1 :: Pay off all debt
#2 :: Buy house large enough for my family and then some
#3 :: Invest
#4 :: If income from investments is higher than I could expect to earn salary, retire
#1 :: tell my mom that I am now financially independant through collage so she can stop trying to run my life.
#2 :: invest throughout collage and then found my own game company.
#1.give a few grand to all my friends
#2. make a nice sized donation to massive pwnage
#3. go to college
#4. save the rest in a savings account
Depending on how much it was, I would probably end up giving a good chunk of it away too. Family and friends and maybe a charity or two.
I would buy a house with a huge bamboo forest for the back yard and fill it with pandas. 😛
Oh yeah, and pay for college too, I guess. lol
Paint one wall red, one blue, yellow, purple, green ceiling, orange ground. Just to confuse everyone. And distract them from my real plan: creation of the perfect RPG qualities in one place, not scattered through Final Fantasies and Elder Scrolls.
I don’t think you need to win the lottery to paint your walls hahaha. Maybe you can get some kind of crazy 3D paint so no one can tell how far away the walls are.
I just noticed that that’s going to be someday! 😛
what’s the catch? catch 22. if you were stupid enough to *play* the lottery, you’d be stupid enough to lose all the money even if you won.
1# Never have to work again.
2# Spend money on getting Riot Points so I can buy my fav champs and my fav skins
3# Buy better computer and internet
4# Put away the leftover monies for later
buy all the things i ever wanted (mostly gamecube and gameboy advance stuff cause those are my favorite systems)
I put a lot of thought into that question, actually. First, I’d pay off student loans. Then, I’d rent a nice apartment with a working toilet handle (don’t ask, mine broke off…). And then, I’d buy a giant hotel, refurbish it, and set up a safe-home for children who have been abused in the foster care system. There’s one house like that around my parts, but they can only have like… five children at a time. Hence, a big hotel.
Yes. That is what I’d do.
Oh, and also, I’d get a milkshake machine. Don’t judge me. >_>