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Notice: register_sidebar_widget is deprecated since version 2.8.0! Use wp_register_sidebar_widget() instead. in /home/massiveh/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3896 Massive Pwnage » Archive » Dungeon Master
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Being a Dungeon Master is probably a bit more of a responsibility than I’m looking for. You have to account for all these OTHER people and the things they DO, messin’ up your plans and all.
This entry was posted on Friday, April 5th, 2013 at 12:00 am and is filed under Comics.
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Locke would be a perfect Dungeon Master.
My brother only likes being the DM when playing DnD.
I think he just likes watching as the adventurers’ group weakens every turn and eventually crumbles before him.
I was a dungeon master before I was a player. The hardest it’s ever been for me is when I need get 20 things together for a session about to begin in 5 minutes or less XD.
DMing is no walk in the part. I think I’ve gotten better at conveying the world to the players, but I’m still bad at guessing what they’re going to do. It’s hard to guide them in a general direction without directly steering them. When they start to go off the rails you have to quickly come up with new ideas on the fly. Can definitely be rewarding, but I don’t have an issue just being a player too!
Locke is already a DM. I play with him in one of his campaigns. Also, im bad at being a DM, i’ve tried it a couple of times, and the group I normally play with just about refuses to follow any sort of story thats been laid out for them, and tries anything and everything to get me to say something that they can use against me later just so they can do things easily and with no effort.
Locke would be a perfect Dungeon Master.
My brother only likes being the DM when playing DnD.
I think he just likes watching as the adventurers’ group weakens every turn and eventually crumbles before him.
I was a dungeon master before I was a player. The hardest it’s ever been for me is when I need get 20 things together for a session about to begin in 5 minutes or less XD.
DMing is no walk in the part. I think I’ve gotten better at conveying the world to the players, but I’m still bad at guessing what they’re going to do. It’s hard to guide them in a general direction without directly steering them. When they start to go off the rails you have to quickly come up with new ideas on the fly. Can definitely be rewarding, but I don’t have an issue just being a player too!
Locke is already a DM. I play with him in one of his campaigns. Also, im bad at being a DM, i’ve tried it a couple of times, and the group I normally play with just about refuses to follow any sort of story thats been laid out for them, and tries anything and everything to get me to say something that they can use against me later just so they can do things easily and with no effort.