Blizzard’s Fall From Grace
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The general consensus accross the internet seems to be that Hearthstone is “totally lame.” I’m actually pretty excited about a free-to-play card game from Blizzard. I’ve always wanted to try the WoW trading card game, your deck being your character sounded awesome to me. I did watch a Hearthstone gameplay video though, and it doesn’t really look all that different from Magic. But I guess that’s not really a bad thing. I had a lot of fun with the second Duels of the Planeswalkers game on the 360.
The absolute best video game version of a TCG was the Pokemon one on Gameboy. It was amazing. You went from gym to gym, defeating trainers and getting badges, all with a deck of cards. There was actually a story.
Additional Addendums:
– I admit to using an overly dramatic title for this comic.
– Locke helped write this comic, using this meme as a jumping off point.
– The name of Blizzard DOTA was changed to what sounds more like a basketball team than a game, Blizzard All-Stars.
I never even knew there was a blizzard dota apart from the original Warcraft III ones…
On another note, did you not play Digimon Card Battle for the playstation 1? That one was pretty nifty too >=o
Oh man, I didn’t! I did play some Yugioh one on the Playstation, though. It was really hard.
there were quite a few awesome yugioh games back then, the most memorable for me was duelists of the roses for the ps2~
Unless there’s a cost to entry, I’ll at least try out Hearthstone. I think digital card games have evolved from the Magic:tG model, though. I’m eagerly awaiting the release of Solforge later this year. Ascension Online should also be pretty awesome, considering that the physical card game is a blast.
I remember playing the Pokemon Card Game for Gameboy, in fact, I still have the cartridge for it :D, and really enjoying the hell out of it, and it was actually challenging. It took me DAYS to finally finish the “elite four” of the game and collect my prize… a deck of cards based around one of the 3 legendary birds with a promo artwork for the bird you chose. I then remember saying a childlike version of “fuck that” when I realized I would have to beat it again with increased difficulty to obtain the other decks and cards. Good times
But I did play Hearthstone at Pax and it was quite fun. It doesn’t have the run-around story of Pokemon Card Game (which I’m totally going to go replay for the umpteenth time now), but the field you play on has some cool interactions and there are some pretty neat rules, particularly regarding the class powers and the freedom to choose attack targets (unless something has taunt.) I’m super looking forward to it (and hoping they port to Android eventually)!
I find it funny looking back on this comic now. Everything turned out in reverse XD
Hearthstone is insanely popular, and Cata was hated by a lot of people in general.
I never really understood that! I loved Cata. Was endgame not good, or something? And yeah, I’m really happy to see Hearthstone doing so well. I made this because at the time because everyone thought it was going to be the dumbest thing ever, for some reason.