Dark Forces Part 2
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Just a few quick words of comfort to you all. As you can tell from the current updates, Encifer has been streamlining not only the website, but his art as well! The other day I sent a message to Javier Hernandez, creator of El Muerto, and its indie film adaptation, “The Dead One.” I used to post a lot in the Muerto Forums about art, game development and participated in one of his writing competitions. He spoke in high regards to Encifer’s development, saying that in just a few months time he had found his working style, and improved vastly in his art. His website is Elmuerto.com, you should check it out if you’re a fan of zombies, comics, or both!
I hope you enjoy this story arc, its starting to turn into one of my favorite projects as of late. May the Force be with you.
I lol’d at the last speech bubble.
And EVERYONE has rented Bubsy. NO ONE has owned it. Ever. What the heck? Maybe it is evil… >.>
I remember playing it a bunch. I’m not sure if I owned it or not though. i thought it was great 🙂