Dark Forces Part 1
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I’ve officially changed the font used for dialogue in the comic. I used to use Comic Sans. But it appears that that font is a font of much evil and destruction (or so I’ve recently been told). So I took some time to closely examine this font of untold evil, when I discovered that it’s actually rather boring. So, after much searching, I discovered a new font. One that still has the simplicity of Comic Sans that I like so much, but is also a bit fancier. It’s also a bit more condensed, so I can mess with word bubbles a bit more now.
I’m sure you noticed, but I was finally able to get advertisements on the site. So I’m actually making money off the site now! I’ve made a grand total of 40 cents so far! Huzzah! I like the ad about surgically losing weight. It’s green, and fits into the site well.
Also, I’ve made a few new avatars for your enjoyment. (Does anybody even use those?)
I love comic chains
Locke and Encifer are like me and my best friend XD
btw- dosent everyone hate *shudders* THE GAME?(aka-Bubsy the Bobcat)
I loved it when I was a kid 😛