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Notice: register_sidebar_widget is deprecated since version 2.8.0! Use wp_register_sidebar_widget() instead. in /home/massiveh/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3896 Massive Pwnage » Archive » Rise of Ryze Bot
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I really do think there should be some kind of test or tutorial before players are allowed to play ranked matches. The Battle Training is really awesome and I’m sure Riot is capable of even more, so I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.
Also, it looks like there’s a ton of interest in a “Massive Pwnage Fan LoL Night”, so I’m sure Locke will be setting up a date and time sometime soon. Keep an eye on the front page for updates!
This entry was posted on Wednesday, January 12th, 2011 at 12:00 am and is filed under Comics.
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haha…well thank god nunu isn’t a bot. And ranked games are VERY scary. ‘Cause there’s a 99% chance you will be placed on the team with the new guy who plays like a lv1 🙁 i’ve lost many a ranked game because some guy tries to duke it out with a tower at level one. *shakes his head*
Yeeees…. And try to push something now when over 10 sec you get full ultimate 🙁 NOOOOOO. But agreed that sasquatch team would be worse. 750 dmg 5 times yaaaaaay
Ranked is the same as Normal… There are morons who will cost your chance at the game.
Difference is that with ranked you have a ranking on the line, and the majority of the people will only pick from the top 15 champions.
(Currently Soraka is really the only unviable champion atm though… Champions like Yi and Ryze take alot of skill as they are essentially the game’s glass cannons)
I do not know who draw this AMAZING comic, but great job!
I laughed my ass off when I first saw it and was still laughing five minutes later. Really nice 😛
You guys are horrible. There mere thought of fighting them will haunt my dreams….
I dont get it =/
I did pretty well on my first ranked game
lol i think 5 nunu bots are worse
haha…well thank god nunu isn’t a bot. And ranked games are VERY scary. ‘Cause there’s a 99% chance you will be placed on the team with the new guy who plays like a lv1 🙁 i’ve lost many a ranked game because some guy tries to duke it out with a tower at level one. *shakes his head*
I started playing LoL, i sent ye a friend request.
Started Playing ranked today, pwned in both. currently have 2-0 win/loss ration. Besides, all you need to counter ryze bot is galio and stack MR 😀
Yeeees…. And try to push something now when over 10 sec you get full ultimate 🙁 NOOOOOO. But agreed that sasquatch team would be worse. 750 dmg 5 times yaaaaaay
I finally got to 30 not too long ago but could never summon up the courage to try a ranked game. Locke’s horror stories have me spooked :O
Ranked is the same as Normal… There are morons who will cost your chance at the game.
Difference is that with ranked you have a ranking on the line, and the majority of the people will only pick from the top 15 champions.
(Currently Soraka is really the only unviable champion atm though… Champions like Yi and Ryze take alot of skill as they are essentially the game’s glass cannons)
Description Win.
Death by Desperate Snares
I saw a Ryze with maxed out CD get his abilities played out as if he was DPSing with them.
5 Soraka Bots would be worse. Insta Heal from Wish X5 FTL.
I think I have to change pants now.
You gonna get raped.
Mmm, 5 Ryze on a team is scary…but they still stupid bots. Just wait for the right moment and FEEED.
5 Ryzes, huh? Try 5 Karthus. All of them use their ultimate at the same time. Your entire team = dead. ACED
5 vlad vs 5 karthus , gotta enjoy the pool baby
I do not know who draw this AMAZING comic, but great job!
I laughed my ass off when I first saw it and was still laughing five minutes later. Really nice 😛
Thanks! 😀
least it wasn’t 5 Annie bot’s *shudders*
Yeah, Annie bot is definitely the new Ryze bot. She’s scary.