December 31st, 2007
Coin Toss
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Heya, this is Locke, and I hope you enjoy Massive Pwnage!
Monday’s strip was the product of me revisiting my Final Fantasy Tactics Advance file. Gadgeteers are somewhat of a double-edged sword. The very moment you cast Haste on your entire enemie’s party, you kinda wish you saved before the battle. This has only occured once, and I was in the middle of one of the Jag’d missions. Not cool.
Locke supplied the idea for this comic, as he does for many of the comics, but I changed it up a bit from when he first came up with it. It’s now a joke based on all coin tosses within video games. I hate those!
Lmfao, “tails.” I cracked up really hard at the coin