Do the Pokemon Hustle
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Though this has already been established, it bears repeating: don’t play Pokémon cards with children. That way leads only pain, confusion, and loss.
Steam Gets:
Transistor – It took me WAY too long to pick this up.
Marvel Heroes Magneto Pack – I CAN’T STOP PLAYING THIS GAME.
Gauntlet – The number one “shoot precious, life-giving food” simulator.
Words for Evil – An RPG word search game that I am not smart enough to play.
Although a significant amount effort was expended on my part, I was incapable of creating a best-of list that was shorter than fifteen comics. As a result, rather than posting one at a time over the next few days, we’ll instead be getting a mega list of the best Massive Pwnage strips of 2014 on December 31st. See you Wednesday!
Is Munnle even a Pokemon?
I guess not! Fixed. (card in question)
If you stop playing for more than 48 hours with Magneto in your roster, you’ll come back and find him Force Choking your X-Men characters.
Spider-Man’s cool. As an agility/melee with more than one decent range attack, he can be played in multiple styles. You can even do both at once if you spec carefully.
The only skin that I REALLY want is the Superior Spider-Man costume. I don’t even have Spider-Man!