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Notice: register_sidebar_widget is deprecated since version 2.8.0! Use wp_register_sidebar_widget() instead. in /home/massiveh/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3896 Massive Pwnage » Archive » The End part 9
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This entry was posted on Monday, December 14th, 2015 at 12:00 am and is filed under Comics.
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Fire and snake venom . . . Is there still time to write in some kind of, I dunno, maybe give her an alligator cannon? Something that launches live alligators at your enemies? Can we give her that? I feel that nothing less would sate her.
I can’t help but notice there’s a game with the adorable demon (daemon?) and another with Bubsy the Cat. What sort of games is Locke selling here? Or is this more of the shenanigans afoot?
There’s also one with the Chaos emerald from way earlier in the comic and one with one of the fish Ence is fond of karate chopping, as well as their cat. In addition, one with a balloon and one with fire, though I’m not sure what the significance of those are. As for the rest, they seem to be homages to earlier stuff from the series (Bubsy once showed up in ghost-form to harass the guys)
Fire and snake venom . . . Is there still time to write in some kind of, I dunno, maybe give her an alligator cannon? Something that launches live alligators at your enemies? Can we give her that? I feel that nothing less would sate her.
I can’t help but notice there’s a game with the adorable demon (daemon?) and another with Bubsy the Cat. What sort of games is Locke selling here? Or is this more of the shenanigans afoot?
There’s also one with the Chaos emerald from way earlier in the comic and one with one of the fish Ence is fond of karate chopping, as well as their cat. In addition, one with a balloon and one with fire, though I’m not sure what the significance of those are. As for the rest, they seem to be homages to earlier stuff from the series (Bubsy once showed up in ghost-form to harass the guys)