December 10th, 2012
Slippery Slope into Grumpville
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I can never remember if I’ve ever had eggnog before. I think I have? Not sure I liked it. Locke likes it, but he’s an unusual fellow
Did I talk about Firefall already? I’ve been having fun with the weekend beta tests. It gets pretty grindy pretty quick, especially if you don’t have a group to play with, but it’s a lot of fun. There also doesn’t seem to be any kind of end game at the moment, or middle game for that matter, but there’s supposed to be a ton of content still on the way. I don’t think it’s even officially releasing any time soon, which is too bad since it’s a game I’ve been waiting for for a REALLY long time.
I have no idea if we even have eggnog in my country. Well, we don’t have Thanksgiving so probably no eggnog either.
eggnog is one of those hate it or like it things, honestly, i love it.
have you also tried horchata, at least i think how its spelled, its sort of the rice-milk equivelent of egg nog
That sounds like something I might be interested in.
Eggnog is delicious!!
Although ive never had any of the homemade, alchohol filled eggnog yet, though im interested in making my own eventually.