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Notice: register_sidebar_widget is deprecated since version 2.8.0! Use wp_register_sidebar_widget() instead. in /home/massiveh/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3896 Massive Pwnage » Archive » Panic
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I wish every comic was this simple. They usually take hours upon hours of work. Though, if every comic was this simple, I’d have to make ’em like crazy, otherwise it might get kind of boring around here. I suppose.
One of the reasons for the title being what it is is that I had a really busy weekend, and I was freaking out that I wouldn’t have enough time to make a comic.
This entry was posted on Monday, December 8th, 2008 at 12:00 am and is filed under Comics.
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HERE IT IS! The culmination of everything I’ve been talking about! I KNEW there was a strip around here that I just couldn’t stop reading over and over again because it made me so frustrated.
WHAT. IS. THE. POINT?! Ence’s pants are on fire. What’s the point? What’sthepoint?! The art looks great, but that doesn’t equal good comic! Go post “Pants_On_Fire” as a wallpaper on Deviant Art and be done with it, but don’t give me celery and call it a steak. This isn’t a comic, it’s a doodle. A very nice doodle, but just a doodle, and as a comic it needs to be undid.
Let me put this nicer for a moment. Ence, you are a good artist, but you need a lot of work as a writer. “Ence is silly” will not cut it for plots. The concept has been stretched as far as it can go and it needs to be retired for a while. You’re not at the point where you can just do whatever you want whenever you want in terms of strips. You haven’t earned that sort of relaxation yet. There’s work to be done. You need to seriously analyze every comic to make sure you’re giving the most you can in terms of art AND storytelling, and if you can’t do that at the current pace you’ve set for yourself, reset your pace to a speed that allows for better content. Please, you owe this to yourself.
And with that, I’m done. I’ve no more to say at the moment.
You know, Chris. You take this a bit too seriously, I think.
The point, of course, like the point of nearly all of these strips, is to be random. The concept and storyline revolves around the craziness of the characters and the completely random, funny situations they happen into, or happen to put themselves into.
You’re right in saying I took this too seriously. I began getting excited giving critques to a website where the author would actually read said critiques. That’s amazing all in itself. And I included my name at the end there because I don’t think a critique means much if you can’t own-up to your words. I stand by everything I’ve said with the intent of challenging the comic without just saying, “I hate it because it’s stupid.” I don’t hate the comic, I just don’t think it’s found what makes it different from any other webcomic yet and I’m pushing it to find what that is. I’m very glad to see that it has devoted fans such as yourself because that’s important.
However, my opinion of “did you seriously” is much different. No good comes from calling me retard or a “blank” lover. I’m an asshole, but you’re just pathetic. I’m done commenting here, so stop caring what I’m doing. You’re free and you win.
Ence and Locke, I wish you the best and I hope to keep seeing more good comics like the Fallout 3 one.
dudes ur comics are very PWNING u guys are awesome keep up the good work!
Thanks a bunch. We’ll try and keep up the pwnage : P
HERE IT IS! The culmination of everything I’ve been talking about! I KNEW there was a strip around here that I just couldn’t stop reading over and over again because it made me so frustrated.
WHAT. IS. THE. POINT?! Ence’s pants are on fire. What’s the point? What’sthepoint?! The art looks great, but that doesn’t equal good comic! Go post “Pants_On_Fire” as a wallpaper on Deviant Art and be done with it, but don’t give me celery and call it a steak. This isn’t a comic, it’s a doodle. A very nice doodle, but just a doodle, and as a comic it needs to be undid.
Let me put this nicer for a moment. Ence, you are a good artist, but you need a lot of work as a writer. “Ence is silly” will not cut it for plots. The concept has been stretched as far as it can go and it needs to be retired for a while. You’re not at the point where you can just do whatever you want whenever you want in terms of strips. You haven’t earned that sort of relaxation yet. There’s work to be done. You need to seriously analyze every comic to make sure you’re giving the most you can in terms of art AND storytelling, and if you can’t do that at the current pace you’ve set for yourself, reset your pace to a speed that allows for better content. Please, you owe this to yourself.
And with that, I’m done. I’ve no more to say at the moment.
-Chris Pranger
chris pranger is a @!#$ lover.
You know, Chris. You take this a bit too seriously, I think.
The point, of course, like the point of nearly all of these strips, is to be random. The concept and storyline revolves around the craziness of the characters and the completely random, funny situations they happen into, or happen to put themselves into.
Ence, keep up the good work!
Dear Megildor,
You’re right in saying I took this too seriously. I began getting excited giving critques to a website where the author would actually read said critiques. That’s amazing all in itself. And I included my name at the end there because I don’t think a critique means much if you can’t own-up to your words. I stand by everything I’ve said with the intent of challenging the comic without just saying, “I hate it because it’s stupid.” I don’t hate the comic, I just don’t think it’s found what makes it different from any other webcomic yet and I’m pushing it to find what that is. I’m very glad to see that it has devoted fans such as yourself because that’s important.
However, my opinion of “did you seriously” is much different. No good comes from calling me retard or a “blank” lover. I’m an asshole, but you’re just pathetic. I’m done commenting here, so stop caring what I’m doing. You’re free and you win.
Ence and Locke, I wish you the best and I hope to keep seeing more good comics like the Fallout 3 one.
i think someone needs to be od’d with valum, because this is funny and Ence can make the comic any way he wants, it’s his comic…