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I always imagine the Imp’s Kree to sound like a bit of a shrieking sound, but not so high-pitched that it hurts your ears. Or maybe it’s more like a cat hissing.
Either way, imagine that the Imp is using his “manly” voice in this comic.
This entry was posted on Friday, December 4th, 2009 at 12:00 am and is filed under Comics.
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Robots…………….that reminds me of the Terminator movie.Oh by the way Locke is like a mage in white robes who sealed Cenifrex into a dimension of someone or something…….
I can imagine the “manly” Kree.
One part tropical bird noise, one part purring cat, and one part Sylvester Stalone(I guess it is the bandanna that does that).
On a related topic, am I the only one that thinks the people in Paranormal Activity are infested with Imps?
The imp is a freedom fighter!!
I can imagine somewhat of a catlike “Kree” noise. But i can’t imagine how it would sound like, if that doesn’t confuse you.
i say it sounds like a chirp kinda
also imagine Arnold Swartzenegger saying Kree… thats the imps manly voice
Wow. It’s the Tornado 2. Go, Impy.
Robots…………….that reminds me of the Terminator movie.Oh by the way Locke is like a mage in white robes who sealed Cenifrex into a dimension of someone or something…….
Does it have that little machine gun that was so good but was a pain in the rear to aim?