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Notice: register_sidebar_widget is deprecated since version 2.8.0! Use wp_register_sidebar_widget() instead. in /home/massiveh/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3896 Massive Pwnage » Archive » Annoyance Creed
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You go to four or fives houses. The SAME MAN answers each door. I’m not sure how to feel about that.
It takes me a while to play games sometimes, I know. I skipped Brotherhood and Revelations in favor of the main numbered titles, but it turns out that a ton of important story stuff happened! Turns out that one lady died and now there’s a different lady and I’m in some cave and Q is my dad?
This entry was posted on Wednesday, November 27th, 2013 at 12:00 am and is filed under Comics.
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I played assassins creed to the bitter end and i realy did want to stop at some times, it was just too repetitive.
Assassins creed 2 and 3 were not my games either, game them like 3 hours or such and just had no urge to get on with them.
But AC4? damn, i love that game! did preorder the bonus version, 80€ and it’s totaly worth it! played over 35 hours already, on top of the regional (pc) most feared pirates list and im only halfway through the story!
It is even fun, just to go sailing and listen to the shantys, roam through the bigger islands collecting stuff and the missions are more thought-through.
A plain awesome with a very very good graphic and a realy nice new setting!
Hafe fun with it but PLEASE don’t forget to draw more comic stripes over it!
One of my favorite games is Pirates Gold back on the Genesis and its remake, so Black Flag looked like a dream come true. I’m sure I’ll have a thing or two to say about the game once I get my hands on it 🙂
I haven’t played Revelations, but you really shouldn’t have skipped Brotherhood, it was awesome
I played assassins creed to the bitter end and i realy did want to stop at some times, it was just too repetitive.
Assassins creed 2 and 3 were not my games either, game them like 3 hours or such and just had no urge to get on with them.
But AC4? damn, i love that game! did preorder the bonus version, 80€ and it’s totaly worth it! played over 35 hours already, on top of the regional (pc) most feared pirates list and im only halfway through the story!
It is even fun, just to go sailing and listen to the shantys, roam through the bigger islands collecting stuff and the missions are more thought-through.
A plain awesome with a very very good graphic and a realy nice new setting!
Hafe fun with it but PLEASE don’t forget to draw more comic stripes over it!
One of my favorite games is Pirates Gold back on the Genesis and its remake, so Black Flag looked like a dream come true. I’m sure I’ll have a thing or two to say about the game once I get my hands on it 🙂