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I learned someting about writing the other day. I’m always so concerned with getting perfect, well crafted dialogue on the first go, that I spend long periods of time just sitting and thinking. I rarely write down dialogue until I’ve turned it over in my head countless times. This frustrates me to no end because hours will go by and I’ll have nothing to show for it.
Instead, I’ve started approaching a comic script the same way I’d approach the art, by sketching it first. When you sketch, you’re putting down lines, seeing which ones work and which don’t. You keep adding and trimming away lines until you’re happy with it. That seems like a pretty basic rule of writing, doesn’t it? You write and write and write and then you go back and rewrite, trimming away the excess and putting on that extra polish. I knew that. But it wasn’t until I made the connection to sketching that it really clicked for me. Now, instead of forcing the words to form perfectly in my head, I let them form natuarally on the page.
At least you can think of stuff to make comic strips about. I might have the ability to draw characters, but I would never be able to make awesome story arcs and/or comical dialogues.
P.S. I think this is the first time we see Tika’s eyes without her glasses. Yes, I’m keeping track.
I know, they startled me too
Try shaping your hand like Locke’s in the second panel. Warning: You might die.
All you’d have to really do is cut off a finger. Which, to be honest, you don’t really need the one next to your little finger.
Not exactly what I meant, I meant more the bending your fingers to go up like that.