Karate Chopping Many Fish
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Well, sort of. There’s still a bit of tweaking to do. Some bits of code need to be changed, and some visual elements need to be added/changed. A lot of things went wrong when I moved everything from the test server, so things might be a little weird for a bit. But don’t worry, there’s plenty awesome things on their way. Be on the lookout for the Massive Pwnage forum to arrive within the next few days.
Many great things come with this new site upgrade. First of all, we should be hearing from Locke more often. I gave him his very own, special blogging space. If you scroll down just a bit, you should be able to see it.
Second, commenting is now possible on all comics. All you have to do is click on the little “Comment” button underneath this post, and you can type in anything you want!
Thirdly, the new site just plain looks awesome. There’s a brand new, super shiny logo at the top. Didja you see it? It’s shiny.
Well, I should get back to drawing now. I hope I’m not too rusty from my little vacation. (Which was actually a lot of work.)
Haha, fish.
What is it with the fish anyways? I love the new site design!
Thanks a lot. It was a lot of work : P
The first comic was about pwning fish, and this one is about pwning many fish. Maybe we should put out a trailer? 😛
Haha stupid fish. What did they do exactly, not like there has to be a reason to karate chop a fish but im curious if there is one or if Ence just has issues with fish.
Actually, that’s a really good point that I think I’ll explore, haha. Why DOES Ence not like fish?
I been wondering that since the first comic. Oh and I like the changes to the site. Haha sorry I forgot to mention it earlier.
Yeah the first comics probably my favorite. “Stupid fish and their constant attacks on society. when will they learn?”
for the record. i love it when Locke comments the comics! Ence is hilarious, but Locke doesn’t really show up that much outside of the comics.
That’s because Encifer keeps me in the shed when I’m not writing. 🙁
lol, nice design and i think that this would make a great movie ^^