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The Scott Pilgrim game was a lot of fun. The last level was a huge tribute to Turtles in Time and it was awesome.
This comic was drawn and written by me with punchline assistance from Locke. (That happens)
This entry was posted on Friday, September 10th, 2010 at 12:00 am and is filed under Comics.
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If you’re looking for something a little different, I can make a couple recommendations. Chainsawsuit is really good for random awesomeness. Hark a Vagrant is mostly history and literature type stuff, and ponies. Sheldon is probably my favorite. It’s more of a nerd comic than anything else. Kinda.
lol, I was being sarcastic and I was in a bad mood that day. I’ve read your comic and I really do hope it works out! I’m starting a few web sites of my own and I’m thinking about making one a web comic. We young artistic hobbyists/entrepreneurs should look out for each other. Way to keep it real dude!
If the whole universe became smaller, who would notice?
WAIT, ence has a wife? ….the thought never occurred to me.
random comment ftw
Chicken’s not vegan?!
“insert scott pilgrim joke”
Oh look.. another comic about two guys who play video games..
If you’re looking for something a little different, I can make a couple recommendations. Chainsawsuit is really good for random awesomeness. Hark a Vagrant is mostly history and literature type stuff, and ponies. Sheldon is probably my favorite. It’s more of a nerd comic than anything else. Kinda.
lol, I was being sarcastic and I was in a bad mood that day. I’ve read your comic and I really do hope it works out! I’m starting a few web sites of my own and I’m thinking about making one a web comic. We young artistic hobbyists/entrepreneurs should look out for each other. Way to keep it real dude!
No problems. Good luck with all your projects!