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Notice: register_sidebar_widget is deprecated since version 2.8.0! Use wp_register_sidebar_widget() instead. in /home/massiveh/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3896 Massive Pwnage » Archive » Pierce the Heavens
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Two things that Locke always wants to make comics about are League of Legends and Gurren Lagann. Two things that Locke always wants me to do is play League of Legends and watch Gurren Lagann.
This entry was posted on Friday, August 20th, 2010 at 12:00 am and is filed under Comics.
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Using sheer determination and new champions, I’ve slowly been trying to climb my way out, but League of Legends in its first season has attracted the worst kinds of players for this game.
All those noob-tubing, spawn-camping, 1337ers are plaguing the solo queue, failing it up while blaming their teams for not following them to sure death.
Instead of listening to their teams and their advice, they do the same thing all immature online gamers do, insult everyone else or throw the game to play Kingmaker. It’s really annoying.
Someone tell Ence that Gurren Lagann is the best thing since sliced bread.
Not to get picky, but the sub that uses kick reason to the curb fails most of the time. They pronounce the robots as “Gammen” and not the accurate “Ganmen”. The word in itself is a pun, meaning both big face and in english can be broken down into the words gun and men. They also think Simon’s name is Shimon, not realizing that sometimes katakana can go for foreign names. They also ruined Kamina’s most epic combination name for Gurren Lagann. They called the “Everlasting Combination” the “Superlative Combination”. If you’re talking about the dub, well, shame on you, watch the original.
When I wrote the line, I tried to shorten the whole “make the impossible possible thing.” We try to trim our lines down as much as possible otherwise some of the humor is lost.
SivHD does a killer-scary AD Annie. I’m a fan of Nashor’s Tooth Orianna, myself. Actually, I’m just a fan of Nashor’s Tooth. I build it on like… everyone. -_- (Just Ezreal and Ori, actually. And sometimes Ashe. That CDR is hella awesome.)
Elo Hell…
Using sheer determination and new champions, I’ve slowly been trying to climb my way out, but League of Legends in its first season has attracted the worst kinds of players for this game.
All those noob-tubing, spawn-camping, 1337ers are plaguing the solo queue, failing it up while blaming their teams for not following them to sure death.
Instead of listening to their teams and their advice, they do the same thing all immature online gamers do, insult everyone else or throw the game to play Kingmaker. It’s really annoying.
Someone tell Ence that Gurren Lagann is the best thing since sliced bread.
I wouldn’t say its the best thing since sliced bread but its definately worth watching.
you speak the truth about LoL…the solo queue is a deadzone of losses now…
I feel ya,bro.
Gurren Lagann was definitely an awesome series, quite possibly the best thing since sliced bread ;P
Gurren Lagann is GLORIOUS. Seriously, you won’t be disappointed. Do yourself a favor and don’t let it get spoiled for you, either.
Sidenote, I think “Kick reason to the curb” sounds better than “kick off with momentum”, but alright then.
Not to get picky, but the sub that uses kick reason to the curb fails most of the time. They pronounce the robots as “Gammen” and not the accurate “Ganmen”. The word in itself is a pun, meaning both big face and in english can be broken down into the words gun and men. They also think Simon’s name is Shimon, not realizing that sometimes katakana can go for foreign names. They also ruined Kamina’s most epic combination name for Gurren Lagann. They called the “Everlasting Combination” the “Superlative Combination”. If you’re talking about the dub, well, shame on you, watch the original.
When I wrote the line, I tried to shorten the whole “make the impossible possible thing.” We try to trim our lines down as much as possible otherwise some of the humor is lost.
Gurren Lagann is the best thing since…yeah, sliced bread. I deserve credit for introducing Locke to the series.
Btw, Locke: Roleplay your monk!
@Ence: Havent been on EVE lately.
@Locke: Play EVE. I haz a missile boat waiting for you.
What possible reason could one find not to watch gurren lagann?
And are those…floating hands?
Pretty much. You know, like that part in Labyrinth. If you’ve seen that movie.
So Locke, what’s your LoL summoner name?!( same as here?)
And Ence you referenced Labyrinth, my favorite movie ever. Isn’t it nice to know that women will love you for being a nerd in today’s day and age?
<3 you guys, and much thanks to League of Legends for spotlighting you guys, I never would have known you existed otherwise!
and can’t you guys get a facebook page? Twitter is for 13 year old girls 🙁
I’m “Encifer” Locke is “MPLocke” and the Facebook page is right here!!/pages/Massive-Pwnage/8414183262
SivHD does a killer-scary AD Annie. I’m a fan of Nashor’s Tooth Orianna, myself. Actually, I’m just a fan of Nashor’s Tooth. I build it on like… everyone. -_- (Just Ezreal and Ori, actually. And sometimes Ashe. That CDR is hella awesome.)