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Notice: register_sidebar_widget is deprecated since version 2.8.0! Use wp_register_sidebar_widget() instead. in /home/massiveh/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3896 Massive Pwnage » Archive » Everything in its Place
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It’s true! I’ve been waiting for a price drop and now it’s here! Will I be buying one now? I don’t know! Maybe! I’ll probably end up saving for a new laptop so I can play this.
This entry was posted on Friday, July 29th, 2011 at 12:00 am and is filed under Comics.
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I just bought one at the reduced price. And Im pretty satisfied with it, no problems with the 3D effect. And best of all will be Dead Or Alive: Dimensions. 😉
I want that apron.
On an unrelated note (since I don’t have anywhere else to put it) I’ll be ready for game night when I get back home. Which is sometime early September. 600-700ms ping just won’t let me enjoy myself.
No one remembered Eeyore’s birthday. That’s alright. He didn’t expect you to anyway. At least he has this nice new shanty that no one wants anymore. They’ve kind of cornered the market in being blue and unwanted.
While I bought a 3DS a few weeks ago I’m not too upset, we get 20 free games for buying early and theyre strong games too
I just bought one at the reduced price. And Im pretty satisfied with it, no problems with the 3D effect. And best of all will be Dead Or Alive: Dimensions. 😉
I want that apron.
On an unrelated note (since I don’t have anywhere else to put it) I’ll be ready for game night when I get back home. Which is sometime early September. 600-700ms ping just won’t let me enjoy myself.
No one remembered Eeyore’s birthday. That’s alright. He didn’t expect you to anyway. At least he has this nice new shanty that no one wants anymore. They’ve kind of cornered the market in being blue and unwanted.
Them, and snuggie.