Brilliant Detective Skills
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I had this idea for a really long time, but I couldn’t figure out how to present it exactly. Seeing the new movie must have given me inspiration.
This comic only took about 5 hours for me to make. Most comics usually take me 8 or so. I guess it was because I was just excited about drawing Batman.

Been trying to get my tower back up again, I suffered from BSD syndrome last week, and couldn’t seem to get my comp working. 120+ dollars later, I got it running at the cost of all my scripts. 🙁
Thanks to Steam however, I was able to recover my copy of TF2.
I have one thing to say about The Dark Knight.
Best. Movie. Ever.
If you haven’t already gone and seen it, do so today, tonight, or this very hour.
I believe it is one of the greatest plotlines I’ve seen in Cinema yet, and it is an experience to behold in the theatre. My only complaint is that it was Heath’s last film. Heath, rest knowing that you made the Joker real to me.
The Dark Knight is the first movie in my lifetime that has ever lived up to the massive amount of hype it had.
Also, your Commissioner Gordon is AWESOME.
Thanks : )
This comic has some of my favorite art in it.