July 27th, 2012
Everyone Loves Ezreal part 9
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Conclusion! I hope you all enjoyed this little adventure, we certainly had a blast working on it. Locke had a lot of fun writing for these characters that he loves and I really got to flex my artistic muscles. BUT, it’s also been very draining! I spent a ton of time on these and pumping out one every other day was very exhausting. And while we could potentially keep this series going, we wouldn’t want to keep using characters that don’t belong to us.
If you enjoyed this arc, then by all means, share it! Here’s a convenient page with all of the Ezreal strips collected in one place. We’re super proud of this story and we’d really like to share it with everyone. Afterall, everyone loves Ezreal. (See what I did there?)
Awesome like always.
Very nice conclusion, lets get this into the summoner showcase 😀
All names that begin with the letter X are always awesome.
The grand finale~ And I love the 4th and 6th panels =D
Loved this arc, very nice work, as usual 🙂
I love the funny conclusion of this arc!
…And I was wondering why Ezreal had to bring Kog’Maw along…