July 25th, 2011
God Mode
Here we have another one of Locke’s rants transcribed into comic form. Does he speak madness or is there some truth to his words? Probably both.
Also, I made the DnD chart comics available as prints on my DeviantArt.
See everyone on Wednesday!
Personally, I just think Mario’s a dick.
u guys need to fix ur site please!!! i love this comic sooo much but the ads placed on the side of the comic cut off the ending panel! please fix it. i cant stand being denied the ending of any awesome comic!
I’ve never actually seen this problem, but people have told me that upgrading their internet explorer fixed it.
I never thought about it this way. He makes a valid point.
The truth is: Mario isn t Mario! He is Oiram! A powerful minion of satan!
well he does reincarnate himself
Never thought of it this way before….
This man speaks truth as well…
Link related: http://www.cracked.com/article_18863_5-reasons-bowser-most-successful-video-game-character.html
This is not the first time they’ve shown the evil side of Mario… http://www.massivepwnage.com/12122007/
Actually,Mario usually doesn’t even make it to World 1-3.There’s a myriad of alternate universes where he gets a game over fairly quickly.