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League of Legends is always relevant.
Another one written by Locke. He sure likes him some Leaguez of Legend.
This entry was posted on Monday, May 7th, 2012 at 12:00 am and is filed under Comics.
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I like Wit’s End as much as the next guy, as long as the next guy doesn’t really like Wit’s end. I’ll get it on Teemo if they have at least 2 high damage AP champs, otherwise I’ll get something else
what a coincidence i recently my first successful build that includes Wit’s End on Kayle something that most people look at sideways and start infighting over, (sadly no giant ants were present)
ahh but wits end is the new trinity
Tons of damage!
False, Wits End does not belong on Lee Sin or Renekton, who use Maw way better!
False, Rene benefits from the burst of wits in with his W spell. It was made for his loving touch.
I like Wit’s End as much as the next guy, as long as the next guy doesn’t really like Wit’s end. I’ll get it on Teemo if they have at least 2 high damage AP champs, otherwise I’ll get something else
what a coincidence i recently my first successful build that includes Wit’s End on Kayle something that most people look at sideways and start infighting over, (sadly no giant ants were present)
Wit’s End Veigar. Instant new meta.
Wits end, Bloodrazor attack speed Thousand Sun fist Monk Shyvana build!