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I think that the prospect of getting ANY sort of monetary income from playing a game like Diablo is awesome.
I need your help with a decision. Here, take a look. Good? Bad? It’s a decision I’ve been struggling with for a long time now.
This entry was posted on Wednesday, May 2nd, 2012 at 12:00 am and is filed under Comics.
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I think it looks better with irises, BUT, its really strange to see after so long without them. I think you should give us a few more so we can give better feedback.
Okay, thanks everybody! You have no idea how many times I’ve drawn them with eyes and then erased it. I still haven’t figured out the best way to do it. I think Ence having eyes in the last panel really sells the expression, and there’s just so much more you can do with eyes. Maybe I’ll figure it out someday, but I don’t know. It would be weird to change after so long.
Well, I certainly prefer Locke without pupils, I think it gives him more of a cold apathetic expression the character in the comic has. (I think)
On the other way it gives more path for expression, and I think that on Encifer it will be easier to get accustomed to with pupils.
I think Encifer looks okay with pupils in the last frame because you can see his eyelids as well. When you can’t see their eyelids (as is often the case with glasses-wearing characters) it just ends up looking creepy.
Personally prefer without myself. Though you may want to give it a shot on a few more just to get better feedback.
Long time reader, first time commenter here 🙂
I think it looks better with irises, BUT, its really strange to see after so long without them. I think you should give us a few more so we can give better feedback.
I personally like it with because it makes it easier to see what they’re looking at.
Yeah, I like it better without too.
Seriously, without is better. “With” version creeps me and it’s worse than old, good Massive Pwnage’s style we know and love
I also prefer without
I like it without too.
Personally I thin without look the best atm. But yeah, might change my mind seeing it in some more panels, just to get a better feel for it 😛
Personally I prefer no pupils.
Not only should you expect not to gain money for house payments, play it enough and you should expect to lose the money for house payments.
Yeah, leave the eyes out. It looks better and it has become the standard look for our glass wearing heros.
with, only if you are trying to give me nightmares… -shudders-
Okay, thanks everybody! You have no idea how many times I’ve drawn them with eyes and then erased it. I still haven’t figured out the best way to do it. I think Ence having eyes in the last panel really sells the expression, and there’s just so much more you can do with eyes. Maybe I’ll figure it out someday, but I don’t know. It would be weird to change after so long.
With looks interesting, but especially in the first panel it doesn’t look like Ence has glasses at all. He looks like he just has huge eyeballs.
oh man… ive read all the comics….but have not noticed them not having pupils… i fail at observing xD
Oh God no! It looks much better without the eyes. By now, it just looks plain creepy to see their eyes.
Well, I certainly prefer Locke without pupils, I think it gives him more of a cold apathetic expression the character in the comic has. (I think)
On the other way it gives more path for expression, and I think that on Encifer it will be easier to get accustomed to with pupils.
I think Encifer looks okay with pupils in the last frame because you can see his eyelids as well. When you can’t see their eyelids (as is often the case with glasses-wearing characters) it just ends up looking creepy.