April 27th, 2012
Grown for Chocobos
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I LOVE Final Fantasy IX. I think FFX is still my favorite, but FFIX is definitely a close second. I’m actually kind of sad that I beat it because now I can’t play it anymore. Well, I guess I could do all the extra stuff and beat all the secret bosses, but yeah… forty hours is good enough for me.
Locke helped me write this one! He’s a swell guy, isn’t he? He’s almost done with his “college” thing, and I already have a pile of work waiting for him, so don’t you worry! I’ll make sure you all hear from him more often. Yes, he is a real person and not just a fabricated alternate persona of mine. Yes.
Sometimes I fear that the real Locke died, and that I’m the replacement that Ence built so that he doesn’t have to face the truth.
Just like how I used a GameShark to keep Aeris!
I can’t love the newer Final Fantasys, almost solely because the chocobos look like alligators. Every time I feel like I could love again proto-chocobo walks bye and all I’m left with is sadness.
FFX rocks!
spread the love :3
Oh god, first time I played FFX when I hit the chocobo eater boss I had a panic attack when it was going to push me off the bridge. xD (Mind you back then I wasn’t nearly as good at the game and I’ve been replaying 8 and 10 and whomping some arse. Funny you do a comic about it just now. xDDD)
Been dying to play X again but my PS2 is nowhere to be found.
I have my PS2 but I can’t find my copy of FFX!!! 🙁 Might just wait for the HD re-release thing that they’re making
What’s that college thing you’re talking about.
You should make more Kingdom Hearts/Final fantasy and generally Square Enix comics
Not related to the comic, I found this http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/567351 in the newgrounds and dunno why the guy in pink shirt reminds me Ence.
I see! Well, that guy was definitely the best part of the video, me thinks.
Yeah, I also love FF… wait are those carrot-like veggies growing on bushes?