March 8th, 2010
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I love the look on that poor customer’s face.
I’m still trying to decide if I should get Modern Warfare 2 or Bad Company 2. I played Battlefield 2 a ton and I definitely like the Battlefied series, but I don’t know yet. I played some Modern Warfare 2 online and I didn’t do very well. I’m guessing it just takes practice. I love the levelling system though, and my FAMAS. Anybody know what the levelling system is like in Bad Company 2? I know you at least unlock weapons and stuff, like other Battlefield games.
I tend to go days without posting anything on Twitter, and then I think of ten things to say all at once.
i probably will go out and get bad company 2 but I just dont know if i’ll play online, once you give players vehicals then there is major abuse of them and balance issues.
also I dont like this new guy… I can’t wait to see what becomes of him.
The new guy needs to stop killing Locke on the inside. That or Locke sends him to Cenixerf (that’s how you spell it, right?).
Yeah, that’s right. I spent forever coming up with that name, haha.
Definately get Bad Company 2. I was a die hard MW2 fan, but Bad Company is way better.\
I heard that bad company wasnt good and that some people were having issues but thats just ones point of view. I mostly play MW2 and enjoy it but again thats just my opinion. Great comics by the way 🙂
Yea, I heard MW2 had a lot of problems when it came out too, which is part of the reason why I held off on getting it. It’s driving me crazy that I can’t decide haha