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I know the proper spelling is “doughnut” but does that really matter anymore? It seems like “donut” has become so popularized that it may as well be the new official spelling.
But then again, I’m no expert on the subject, I’m not a doctor. I don’t have a PHD in words. Or donuts.
This entry was posted on Friday, February 10th, 2012 at 12:00 am and is filed under Comics.
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what this could never happen!
everyone knows obese people are the bane of all doughnut monsters.
who do you think saved new jersey in the Monsterous Doghnut Infestation of 1982, not a bunch of robot riding teenaged kung fu masters, thats for sure.
Do(ugh)nuts are yummy
the term nom nom nom comes to mind 🙂
what this could never happen!
everyone knows obese people are the bane of all doughnut monsters.
who do you think saved new jersey in the Monsterous Doghnut Infestation of 1982, not a bunch of robot riding teenaged kung fu masters, thats for sure.
i was actuly expetind a picture of robot-riding-kratie-teens fighting a doughnut.
Hmm this is clearly the imp’s work. I mean it was an insult to microwave it.
Talking about him, where has he gone?
I have a hard time thinking of awesome things for him to do!
this comment was posted with a 3ds how cool is that (awsome comic keep em’ coming)
That is awesome, I have yet to get my hands on one of those. And thanks! 😀
for the record the internet is just about as bad as the dsi as you would probably expect
They took the “ugh” out of a delicious snack. It’s what any responsible producer of tasty treats would do.