February 2nd, 2011
Told Ya
Did you know there’s a zombie version of that old Oregon Trail game?
Okay, so you’re driving along in your stationwagon and a warning suddenly appears that says that your buddy died of dysentary and you’ve been bitten by a zombie. First, you’re like “AW SNAPS” and then, “Did I have the window rolled down or something what the heck.”
Just out of curiosity. What happened to tiny Ence?
Tiny ence? what is this you speak of?
I know of no tiny ence, thou art mad.
And yet thine shock doth prove him sane, for if it were not for such obvious memory showing upon thine face, I would consider him mad just as you…
WHABRHRHRHRH. Shakespeare. Go english, you got me speakin’ it.
You think that’s bad. Someone wandered away and didn’t come back when I was like, 10 miles away from Oregon. So ridiculous.