January 24th, 2011
Locke has been enjoying the Nuzlocke Challenge. Basically, what that means is that you’re only allowed to catch the first Pokemon you see in any given zone AND if a Pokemon faints he “dies” and you can’t use him anymore.
I’ve been told that the shining star of Locke’s Nuzlocke party is his Sandslash, whose drill pierces any and all heavens.
That Nuzlocke Challenge sounds terribly difficult, I feel kinda sorry for Locke….on another note I’m now sad because you reminded me my copy of Pokemon Silver doesn’t work D; I still think to this day that it was the best generation of games
Keep up hope, you can still try the Diglett Cave for reinforcements!
To be honest, its hard but not at all impossible. I’ve lost 5 pokemon so far. I’m actually on Victory Road right now. The hard part is that you have to name your pokemon to have a bond to it. So when your Diglett dies, its not just Diglett, its “David”, your friend. T’is a hard road.
I can say this is pretty easy, just farm a lot of pokemon and and switch them out on par for whatever type you need. GL on victory road, though.
I have gone through the game with my empoleon only dying twice, so it shouldn’t be TERRIBLY hard to just use a few extra potions.
you’re only allowed to catch the first Pokemon you see in any given zone
I see the first 500 pokemon? 🙂
I’m running a Nuzlocke run right now. It’s damn hard, and I’m bad at it. I’ve got almost as many deaths as catches, and I only just got to Palkia.
I’m too afraid to try it myself, mostly because organizing my team to be perfect is one of my favorite parts of the game. I might come around to it someday though. Good luck with that legendary!
I had no idea you guys looked at /vp/ also self destruct must be a real female dog on these nuzlockes
I don’t recall Sandslash having a drill. Nice reference though, that was a damn good show. And btw there are many types of Nuzlockes, some going as far as only using pokeballs or like one pot max per battle.
Yeah, people love piling on the rules to make it even harder. Crazy!
One: typing an e-mail address using only a left hand? Not recommended.
Two: It seems that doing a Nuzlocke run alters your judgment on just how much damage a wild level 3 zigzagoon can do. I lost my first two catches when wurmple and my zzg had at least 5 health, maybe more.
How does Locke have a Psyduck this early? I never found them until the caves after Koga…