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I actually haven’t hit the level cap yet, so no raiding elemental lords for me. I’ve been playing new characters, opting to permanently retire my original mage, in all of his epic frostfire set glory.
I wish I had a FigurePrint of my mage. That would be the best, but man are they expensive.
This entry was posted on Wednesday, January 19th, 2011 at 12:00 am and is filed under Comics.
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NIce Warwick poster in the background ๐ Or am I mixing up my games?
I think its just a worgen.
It seems to be warwick, has the shoulder armor.
Did you mean dominant?
I need bigger bags in my bank for my old gear that I just can’t part with. ><
There’s no way I’m getting rid of my tier 7 raid gear >:(
Yeah, you’re right, dominant is the proper word, rather than dominate. Close enough! ๐
The only REAL problem isn’t keeping old gear… it’s going to be finding a place to keep all the nifty stuff you can get through archaeology.
Is that Mountain Dew Game Fuel? Wish that was still around.
The Horde kind was my favorite. I think it was the same flavor as the Halo 3 game fuel.
Ashamed as I am to admit it…I preferred the alliance flavor.
I just wish they still made them.
That’s not Warwick, I think that’s King Greymane, that’s his look from the loading screen on WoW.
WoW its much moar evil than The Sims and iphone togheter…
Just take care playing with the evil forces!
Murlocks <3