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This comic was actually drawn by Locke. Crazy, huh? He did the pencils and I inked and colored it. It was a lot of fun to ink someone else’s drawing for a change.
Here’s what Locke’s pencils looked like before I touched them, if you’re interested.
It’s hard to explain what League of Legends is exactly. If you’ve played Warcraft III, just imagine playing the heroes in a multiplayer game where the objective is to destroy the other team’s base. If you haven’t played Warcraft III or it’s mod DotA, which League of Legends is based on, then I guess you can just watch some gameplay videos, or something.
Our favorite characters are shown in this comic. Locke’s is the one about to get pwned.
UPDATE: If you like this one, check out our Garen and Teemo comic!
Great color! I like the original too!!
LOLOLOLOL Infinity edge pwns face! Getting more than one is almost impossible though.
Locke and I played an hour long game where I really did get 3 Infinity Edges : P
Haha it really stacks? The way they say it in the description seems like it doesn’t.
Only the damage and crit chance stack, the bonus crit damage does not. It’s… actually a very bad idea to get more then one Infinity Edge.
one : 3, nice
two : lol duct tape
Is this after Son Jin fights the Sword Master? 😛
Dont stack IE’s xD Get Phantom Dancer’s and stuff like that 😛
Btw Great comic 😀 Keep it going! 🙂
It was such a long match that I just started messing around haha. I usually get one Infinity Edge, Crit Boots, a Phantom Dancer, and uh something else I can’t remember right now haha.
Why not stack IE? 2 or 3 with pd and zerkers and its good game.
Jokes on you because there are no crit boots, only AS boots.
Also was the other thing a Last Whisper for the Armor Pen?
Tryndamere actually became alot better recently since they let him use his ult while stunned.
@Azrael, I actually think stacking IE’s is much better than stacking Phantom Dancers. You don’t need more movement speed, or Attack Speed, you need damage and crit chance. Having 80 percent crit rate with 145 damage? Nice. Having 60+ crit chance with massive damage? Better. Trynd’s passive takes care of crit chance, it’s the damage that makes you kick some serious tail.
We call them crit boots because they are the obvious choice for DPS, even though they don’t have any crit chance. He didn’t really need to buy Last Whisper because by then, he pretty much destroyed the competition. This was back with Trynd was in a “broken” phase.
Haha. Funny. What would it look like if sunfire capes stack?
The SUN! 😀
Lul Comic.
But your insight to building trynd is WAY off. Inf edge stackins terribad. Bloodthirsters is the way to go if youre gonna blow money on Bf swords.
Yeah, yeah. Next you’re gonna tell me that AD Annie isn’t viable.
AD Annie isnt viable. Please learn how to play.
He was kidding dude, 😛
actually if your pro enough it is because annies attack range is like as long as far as max lvl trist. :/
slightly worse then back in the good ole days of beta when she had highest base AS and range in the game :’) gooodddd times
Stacking inf edge is dumb noob #$&@.
an no they don’t stack, the extra crit damage is unique passive.
While it is true that several IE’s do stack – to a certain degree – one of the most important effects from it doesn’t: The bonus crit damage. Any effect of an item that states it is UNIQUE doesn’t stack by the same unique item but does stack if they’re different items, for example having two different sources of Cooldown reduction.
As Scrubs said, in most cases a Trynd would just stack Bloodthirsters after you’ve gotten the IE, since they have a higher damage potential AND lifesteal, which goes crazy when fully farmed on a dps like Trynd.
To keep your crit chance up you should pretty much constantly have Elixir’s of Agility active after your first Bloodthirster. A lot of Trynds also like getting Blades of Alacrity during the earlygame to help with Crit chance, which they then proceed to sell as they fill up their item slots.
All in all, the main concept about Trynd is as much damage as possible along with a decent crit chance. Anything beyond that is secondary, added as the need arises (Last Whisper against incredibly armor stacked enemies, for example).
But to the actual concept of the comic, it really is amusing how a single champion can easily use, and get the full effect of up to 6 wielded weapons, despite size or similiar usability issues. It’d be interesting to see a MOBA game where they actually implented inventory slots 😛
I’m pleased to know how much seeing 6 IE’s would offend so many players. The truth is, “Yes, some of the effects stack” isn’t as funny. IE’s at the height of Post-Beta was the sign of end game back when Trynd was broken; seeing more than one IE on Trynd meant he was buying it for the lulz. Back then, if you had a BF Sword on Trynd, and ANY kind of Critical Strike, that champ was a murder train. If you try to accept a strip on a webcomic as a viable build you’ve pretty much missed the point. Minaro has the idea that it’s a joke on stacking items in general. At one point of a game of LoL I bought 3 Phantom Dancers, not because I needed it, but because I wanted to show the enemy how much money they were sending my way. I like to take the Antispiral approach of intimidating my enemies.
For quite a while now, I’ve been wondering just how somebody can use all of this stuff. Hell, I don’t even think Heimerdinger can think of a way to use all his equipment!
stop feeding the trolls.
No one has mentioned Ghostblade?
Glad to be of service 😛
I’m not sure if you’re refering to Trynd somewhere around before his change to what he currently is (they mainly reworked his bloodlust and passive a while back) or even before that, I joined LoL at some point during the beta, but I’m not sure how far into it. I think it was somewhere around, either before or after, Nasus was first released. Just let me know. I know that the old Trynd used to get Crit chance from Bloodlust stacks (atleast I think so) while he got Crit damage from his passive as his health got lower.
Trynd’s damage output is among the highest, but he’s also as good as dead as soon as he enters battle. His ulti really is the only thing keeping him alive, unless he’s epicly fed. These days, atleast in higher levels of play if both teams facing each other are atleast somewhat decent, Trynd will need to be a really experienced player able to work very well with his team to really accomplish something. Most Tryndamere’s (or other low ELO faceroll champions these days, such as Eve or Yi) I see just end up being a dead weight to their team.
i hate yi i dont know how when i play vs him he always ends up overfed and i end up respawning
BUWAHAHAHHAHA this is hilarious.
This GAME is awesome. Sadly the effects don’t stack anymore. The 250% crit thing. But buying more than one is – in my opinion – not the best. So much m0ar useful items.
more more!
i need more comics! my facebook fanpage want more comics from you 🙂
What would it look like if Vladimir stacked Rabadon’s Deathcap?
That would just be ridiculous 😛
I dont think Rabadons stack. If it did it woudl be broken as HELL!
Besides Vlad sucks
They don’t stack,but neither do IEs.It’s just a joke.
And I’ll have you know,good sir,that I played a 22-5-7 game as Vlad recently in which I scored a pentakill.And I have almost never had a Kill:Death ratio below 1 as Vlad.
Rabadons passive doesn’t stack, but that’s still a crap ton of AP being stacked on the first one’s passive. I did that once with Veigar and got up to around 860 ap with 3 of them.
on a viegar its better to get 1 rabadons and stack archangels along with the ap from baleful ice got him up to around 1500 ap
with veigar it would be better to get 1 rabadons and stack archangels u can get insane amounts of ap with his baleful srike i got up to around 1500 ap in one game
lol. I’ve heard of Titan’s Grip Fury Warriors…but this is rediculous. XD