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Notice: register_sidebar_widget is deprecated since version 2.8.0! Use wp_register_sidebar_widget() instead. in /home/massiveh/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3896 Massive Pwnage » Archive » Doomsday
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I felt that this would be an appropriate first comic of the year.
This entry was posted on Monday, January 2nd, 2012 at 12:00 am and is filed under Comics.
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ha you are all silly. a worldwide collapse of government is whats most likely to happen. so to prepare learn how to grow food, cook, make tools and clothing,and how to shoot a gun because while most towns will create their own little kingdoms, there will be bandits and mauraders that will come and try to steal your stuff and or kill you. have a great year!
I would also like to research Pizza plants.
If This Year: The Movie has taught us anything then less disaster movie rather than disaster-themed racing game.
There has already been a 7.0 earthquake in Japan on New year’s.
It didn’t cause huge disasters. It’s the beginning though, mark my words.
ha you are all silly. a worldwide collapse of government is whats most likely to happen. so to prepare learn how to grow food, cook, make tools and clothing,and how to shoot a gun because while most towns will create their own little kingdoms, there will be bandits and mauraders that will come and try to steal your stuff and or kill you. have a great year!
And here comes in the minecraft and fallout skills
I agree with Locke. If this supposed doomsday does hit, I’d rather be dead.
My pizza plant keeps giving me tomatos.