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You can find Locke and I and these nice posters and all of our other goodies at table R9 in Artist Alley all weekend. Stop by if you can! We promise not to exert our tremendous presence and wills over you with the intent of forcing you into purchasing our wares! Woo!
Oh, and I can’t take all of the credit for this poster. The designs and layout were done by my wife. Someday I’ll be able to convince her into starting up her own Tumblr or somethin’. Someday.
Did you know that Massive Pwnage will be exhibiting at Rose City Comic Con this year? It’s true! September 19th and 20th you’ll be able to find our fleshy, real-life bodies in Artist Alley! Both real-life Locke and real-life Me will be present in our corporeal forms and will be able to converse with you and almost make eye contact using our totally human eyes!
Also available: a second, super-special SURPRISE poster! It’s a surprise because I haven’t finished drawing it yet, and it’s super special because it’ll be real good. Trust me. I’m super trustworthy.
We missed Rose City Comic Con last year due to sudden-human-infant-related reasons, but we’re thinking about attending it again this year. But! There’s two issues that I’d like to run by you first. They raised their table prices and we don’t have any new merch. It’s a very real possibility that we wouldn’t even be able to cover the costs of attending!
So, we put it to you. Are you thinking about going? What new merch would you be excited to see?