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Real life Locke often pulls out his d20 to make tough decisions. Such as, but not limited to, what to get on his pizza or what fast food place to go to.
This arc is winding down now. We’re going to see what Locke decides to do and then we’ll move on to other things. Whatever Locke chooses will take time to enact, so we’ll let some time pass before we come back to it.
This entry was posted on Friday, November 12th, 2010 at 12:00 am and is filed under Comics.
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lol, I love the buy 2 get 1 free sign that has been modified. It’s epic. It also shows how badly the store is going. Love the ‘plz’ on the end. It sounds desperate.
Try as I might, I cannot find fault with Locke’s way of making important decisions.
If he throw 20 – Ence will take control and will save the store!
Does he make the decision based on odds and evens? Or does he literally have 20 different scenarios lined up before he casts his die? 😀
Ah the wonders of die rolling to determine ones future… I often do it myself. also Buy 1 get 3 free. I like.
(Remember to click name)
Roll a 4! 4 is the best number 😀
lol, I love the buy 2 get 1 free sign that has been modified. It’s epic. It also shows how badly the store is going. Love the ‘plz’ on the end. It sounds desperate.
have you played fable 3 yet?
No, I need to though. It’s on my Gamefly list.