November 9th, 2015
Civilized Border Patrol
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I actually wrote this one about the same time as the last Civ comic, weirdly enough. Sometimes it takes me a while to get around to these.
Make sure you check back in this Friday, there’s a very important comic going up! For real. You don’t wanna miss it. Otherwise you’d be like “dang, I can’t believe I missed this. But, like, it’s kinda forever archived within the eternal, unfathomable depths of the interwebs, so no big deal. It’s not like there’s a time limit or whatever. However, the fact that I was not one of the precious few who saw it first, that I was not first in line to witness such beauty and untold wonder, will haunt me until the end of my days.”
Oh, and here’s a little secret: Patreon backers get to see it early. As in RIGHT NOW.