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Notice: register_sidebar_widget is deprecated since version 2.8.0! Use wp_register_sidebar_widget() instead. in /home/massiveh/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3896 Massive Pwnage » Archive » Marvel Heroes
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“You just like to complain about it.”
“I just like to complain about it.”
Of course nowadays there’s much better starter heroes available. But noooo, I got stuck with Hawkeye.
I haven’t even gotten Doctor Strange yet. I can’t bring myself to actually spend all these eternity splinters I finally saved up. It was a lot of work to get them all!
This entry was posted on Wednesday, September 17th, 2014 at 12:00 am and is filed under Comics.
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I have to admit, I’ve dropped about $70 on Marvel Heroes since it came out. Yeah, kind of dumb because it’s “free to play”, but on the other hand the 100+ hours I’ve spent on it have been more enjoyable than the time I spent on Diablo 3.
I spent $40 at launch, then when the Diablo expansion came out I said screw it and gave Gazillion my money instead.
It’s easy to justify giving them money when you’ve gotten so much playtime out of the game. League of Legends has gotten rich off of my family and friends alone 😛
Splinters cap at 600, so if you’re fighting, you’re not getting any more of ’em. Use ’em.
Not that I don’t know the feeling. As Storm, I got a free Hawkeye, and he was so boring that I’ve bought Colossus, Spider-Man, and Scarlet Witch. All are 60 now, and Hawk’s still 10. He’d so dull . . . even more than the tank.
It was definitely a struggle getting Hawkeye to 60. It’s like I had to get the bad part of the game out of the way before I could enjoy the awesome that is Dr Strange. SUCH a difference.
I have to admit, I’ve dropped about $70 on Marvel Heroes since it came out. Yeah, kind of dumb because it’s “free to play”, but on the other hand the 100+ hours I’ve spent on it have been more enjoyable than the time I spent on Diablo 3.
I spent $40 at launch, then when the Diablo expansion came out I said screw it and gave Gazillion my money instead.
It’s easy to justify giving them money when you’ve gotten so much playtime out of the game. League of Legends has gotten rich off of my family and friends alone 😛
Splinters cap at 600, so if you’re fighting, you’re not getting any more of ’em. Use ’em.
Not that I don’t know the feeling. As Storm, I got a free Hawkeye, and he was so boring that I’ve bought Colossus, Spider-Man, and Scarlet Witch. All are 60 now, and Hawk’s still 10. He’d so dull . . . even more than the tank.
It was definitely a struggle getting Hawkeye to 60. It’s like I had to get the bad part of the game out of the way before I could enjoy the awesome that is Dr Strange. SUCH a difference.