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Notice: register_sidebar_widget is deprecated since version 2.8.0! Use wp_register_sidebar_widget() instead. in /home/massiveh/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3896 Massive Pwnage » Archive » Dinos in Space
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I forgot to mention that I uploaded the sketch for the last comic. You can find it in the forums, along with some older sketches. I don’t normally do the comic sketches that way.
This entry was posted on Monday, March 2nd, 2009 at 12:00 am and is filed under Comics.
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hehe nice.I love im sick of the ads for things that have nasty things on them.One cock and one bull or buzzcomix that i got a porn site out of.Just a headsup for web surfers whom are looking for a clean site without things.
Woah, are you seeing those here? I keep everything clean and have never seen anything like that on Massive Pwnage. That bull one was just a dumb ad for another webcomic. I did block it though.
well i miss you more, especially since katie’s gone all stranger danger on me and leaves me to eat with some other friends. i so lonely!! 🙁 what are you doing at the beginning of april? still working or do you think you’ll come back for a term?
I’m actually going to college in my new town. I moved into my grandparents old house, living with Ence and his girl. I probably won’t be heading back, but I usually go up to Portland now and again to visit my parents.
oh i see, abandonning me. 😛 oh well, i guess it’s not horrible since we have the joy of the internet to stay in touch. omg, i’m officially on the mailing list for the wives of will’s unit. it’s kinda strange for me, i keep freaking out and worrying that they won’t like me or that i’ll $@&% up and piss everyone off within a week of moving down there. gotta love the stress of finals week
hehe nice.I love im sick of the ads for things that have nasty things on them.One cock and one bull or buzzcomix that i got a porn site out of.Just a headsup for web surfers whom are looking for a clean site without things.
Woah, are you seeing those here? I keep everything clean and have never seen anything like that on Massive Pwnage. That bull one was just a dumb ad for another webcomic. I did block it though.
When he woke up, the dinosaur was still there.
the dinosaur makes my day! in my russian class we totally just made up the holiday of Dinosaur Day. it’s pretty fantastic. Hello Locke! i miss you!
Lol, I miss everyone from School.
well i miss you more, especially since katie’s gone all stranger danger on me and leaves me to eat with some other friends. i so lonely!! 🙁 what are you doing at the beginning of april? still working or do you think you’ll come back for a term?
I’m actually going to college in my new town. I moved into my grandparents old house, living with Ence and his girl. I probably won’t be heading back, but I usually go up to Portland now and again to visit my parents.
oh i see, abandonning me. 😛 oh well, i guess it’s not horrible since we have the joy of the internet to stay in touch. omg, i’m officially on the mailing list for the wives of will’s unit. it’s kinda strange for me, i keep freaking out and worrying that they won’t like me or that i’ll $@&% up and piss everyone off within a week of moving down there. gotta love the stress of finals week
Yes indeedy, lol. Trust me, if you post here, or on the forums, I’ll see it. Ence makes sure I keep a somewhat frequent presence on the site.
Yeah that’s what I like about this site, apart from the funny comics, you actually see the writer/artist responding to the review.