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At least they’re making a step in the right direction. Exploding consoles are the leading cause of death on a starship. More lives are taken by exploding consoles every day. We must all join together and say “enough is enough.”
This entry was posted on Friday, January 13th, 2012 at 12:00 am and is filed under Comics.
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The idea is that more explosions = better movie/TV show. I’ve seen some movies with no plot or character development try to gloss over these facts with copious amounts of fiery explosions. Sometimes they even successfully manage to do so.
I suggest seat belts as a cheaper first step in starship safety. I mean how often do those exploding consoles send them flying and hitting their heads on the deck plating. Picard must have hands of steel after all the times he manages to stay in his seat by firmly griping the armrests.
ive been thinking about these last comics and heres what ive gathered: Picard’s enterprise was invaded by Klingons, who useing the ships tychlon torpedoes shot the enterprise 2 hours before the klingons invaded, meaning the klingons never invaded and so the enterprise wasnt destroyed, and this happened all because they wanted to save their whale-ish crew members from console explosions.
Wow. Did I see this comic just when it got out, or do really no one has commented?
In almost any star trek episode something on the ship must explode. Good to see they are taking some preventive steps to avoid more property damage.
The idea is that more explosions = better movie/TV show. I’ve seen some movies with no plot or character development try to gloss over these facts with copious amounts of fiery explosions. Sometimes they even successfully manage to do so.
I suggest seat belts as a cheaper first step in starship safety. I mean how often do those exploding consoles send them flying and hitting their heads on the deck plating. Picard must have hands of steel after all the times he manages to stay in his seat by firmly griping the armrests.
ive been thinking about these last comics and heres what ive gathered: Picard’s enterprise was invaded by Klingons, who useing the ships tychlon torpedoes shot the enterprise 2 hours before the klingons invaded, meaning the klingons never invaded and so the enterprise wasnt destroyed, and this happened all because they wanted to save their whale-ish crew members from console explosions.