January 9th, 2012
Captain’s Perogative
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I got all of the Star Trek movies for Christmas so I’ve been working my way through them at a steady pace. I haven’t seen the originals since I was a kid so it was great to get see them all over again. The Undiscovered Country and the Whale One are still my favorites, but I’ve gained a new appreciation for the others. The first movie is still the weakest one in my eyes but I still very much enjoyed it.
Where do the Trek movies rank on your list? Or would you rather just watch Star Wars? I received healthy doses of both as a child, so I’d be happy either way. I heard that there’s other sci-fi franchises out there too, but I wouldn’t know anything about that.
Picard has to be the #1 captain. And Id hate to be the 4th guy to beam down to planet with Kirk, Spock and Mccoy.
Name that tune: “The only question I ever thought was hard was ‘Do I like Kirk, or do I like Picard?'”
Also, Janeway all the way!
White & Nerdy-Weird Al!
I’m with Can Man. Janeway was the bomb.
Star Trek IV (the whale one) ranks pretty high on my favorite movies list. Undiscovered Country was pretty good too. Most of the other ones were just okay.
I love how you can say “that one Trek movie with the whales” and everyone knows what you’re talking about haha. It’s also good that people that don’t really know Star Trek can enjoy it too.
This comic is funny largely because it’s true. Patrick Steward is a damn superhero.
I like Ence’s pocket hands in the second panel 😛
but back on task, ive never seen star trek so im kinda lost, i liked star wars the best.
Picard is so amazing, I’m fairly certain half the male population would go gay for that man. ^.^ Though Ence doesn’t seem like the type to do so… :/
hmm…… The Legend Of Spockda: Enterprise of Time
best idea EVER 😀
Anakin’s a wimp…my votes for Picard!!
“Captain there be whales here”.
does that make Darth Vader a wimp too?
No because he’s voiced by James Earl Jones